Schools in New York City, NY

There are thousands of colleges and universities around the globe. Many of them are excellent places to earn a degree. But which of these institutions are the best? There are plenty of factors that go into making a college or university good. Here are the 10 best colleges in New York City. The rankings were based on several factors including the quality of the academics, student body, campus life, and faculty. The schools were evaluated using a methodology called STAR. It’s important to know what are the best schools in New York City, NY.

1. Stony Brook University

Stony Brook is one of the top universities in New York State and one of the most affordable schools in the area. Students receive a high quality education while spending only half as much money as they would at a private school.

2. University of Michigan

The University of Michigan is a public institution that is ranked amongst the best in the nation. With a diverse student population and a high quality educational experience, U of M is a great place to spend four years.

3. Yeshiva University

Yeshiva University is one of the largest Jewish schools in the country. Students who attend Yeshiva are able to study in a safe environment where they can follow their own religious beliefs.

4. Hunter College

Hunter College is located in Manhattan and offers degrees in a variety of fields. The campus itself is beautiful and offers students an excellent environment to get a college degree.

5. Brooklyn College

Brooklyn College is located in the borough of Brooklyn, NY. The college provides students with a great opportunity to experience different types of classes.

6. New York University

New York University is one of the best schools in New York State and one of the most affordable schools in the area. Students receive a high quality education while spending only half as much money as they would at a private school.

7. The Graduate Center, CUNY

The Graduate Center is located in the borough of Manhattan and offers degrees in a variety of fields. The campus is beautiful and offers students an excellent environment to get a college degree.